The Printing Struggle at FEN

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kind of a random little blog post, but I thought it could help the next cohort program if I described how the printing center works at FEN. I needed something for a class & I had no idea how to print anything, and every Chilean I knew kept telling me "just print it," which obviously didn't help with anything.

So there's two options... you can go to the printing center and give them money to put on your account. With this option, you can print from any computer, and you don't have to wait to use the two computers in the printing center.

If you don't have money on your account, you go on a computer in the printing center and save what you want to print into a folder that says "Impresiones." Then you go up to the counter, and tell them what name you saved it as, they print it and you pay.

Super easy, but not with the instructions "just print it." I hope this helps any future IBA Students!

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